I was laying in bed wondering why we don’t repent. Why don’t we live as the Bible says we should? As I kept thinking about this it seemed there was no one simple answer.

Do we not love Him? Yahshua said that if we love Him we will obey Him (John 14:15). Do we go around cheating on our spouse? If you love them, you would not do that to them. Failure to obey is not just merely sinning but rather cheating on our God. This is why He often calls those who say they love Him but sin whores and harlots (Jeremiah 3:1-5; Ezekiel 16:14-63).

Sin is more than just not doing what we are supposed to or doing what we are not supposed to. Sin is equal to cheating on God. In that case, maybe we look at sin too lightly. We look at sin as if we got angry with our spouse, or forgot to wash the dishes, or maybe refused to cook dinner this day. Sin is not this small, sin to God is like going out and finding that other person and laying in bed with them - sin is adultery.

As soon as we minimize sin in this way then we minimize the cross. We have mental knowledge that the cross was supposed to be this bad thing but we really don’t fully grasp the reality of how bad it was or why. When we minimize sin we then minimize the picture the cross shows. We always see the cross as a picture of God’s love for us, and that picture is there, but the picture of the cross is also a vivid painting of God’s hatred towards those who sin (Psalms 5:5, 11:5; Leviticus 20:23; Proverbs 6:16-19; Hosea 9:15). God crushed Yahshua as an example of his wrath towards the non-repentant (Luke 13:1-9). When Yahshua said, “let this cup pass from me” (Matt 26:39, 42) the cup He was talking about was the wrath of God to be poured out on sinners (Jeremiah 25:15-17, 49:12; Psalms 75:8; Revelation 14:10, 16:19, 18:6). Maybe, since we look at the cross as only a picture of God’s love for the world, we misunderstand how much He hates sin in our lives.

Maybe we continue to sin because we don’t grasp God’s goodness and mercy. Like an abusive man who continues to say, “I’ll quit” and whose wife is continually merciful and stays with the man just for him to be abusive again, we are like the man. We don’t understand the mercy of God to the point we will quit sinning (Romans 2:4). After a while the woman will leave the husband but we’ve been taught that God will not do that to us. The fact is, the Bible is clear that God will leave us if we continue to reject His mercy (Hebrews 10:26-29).

There are, as it is, so many reasons of why we refuse to repent and all those reasons lead to hearing the dreaded words in the end - I never knew you (Matt 7:21-23).

It’s my prayer that we start to understand how bad we are. We need to stop looking around at our lives and see all the blessings of stuff and activities and understand that, to our core, we are a wicked people deserving the punishment Messiah Yahshua received. We then will see how good God is and repent from our wicked adultery against Him.


I know a wife who spends only a couple hours of the week with her husband. It's not really because of her job, or life in general, it's because she would rather spend time doing things she wants in her free time. Her husband is great. He cooks for her and buys her stuff. He loves her so much that he'd give his life for her. The wife, on the other hand, does very little for her husband. In fact, she barely talks to him - except for asking him for things she wants. She periodically thanks him for things he's done for her but barely offers anything to him. She's been involved with affairs several times. Sometimes she's had long-lasting love affairs with other men.

The worst yet, she has the audacity to call her marriage with her husband a "relationship". Read More…


When is the last time you worshiped an idol? Over and over, the Bible warns us of worshiping idols. Yet, in twenty-first America, we think of idols as little (or big) statues that are seen as gods.

The fact is, we have many idols in this country; and, unfortunately, many professing Christians are unknowingly worshipping these idols. 1 Cor 10:14 tells us to flee from idolatry. Therefore, we must keep a watch to avoid it.
How do you know you've entered idolatry? There are three great signs of idolatry: speech, money, and action.
That which we talk about the most is that which we love the most. I have two side hobbies, my Jeep, and my physical fitness. I can take a look at how much I talk to people about these, post on Facebook, etc and I can examine that against how much I talk to people about God and Christ and I can self-examine where my heart is lying. (Luke 6:45) Read More…


There are many people who profess to be prophets of the Living God. These prophets give wonderful messages that uplift, encourage, and instruct the individual to continue on the path because God is pleased with them. Every once in a while, I hear a bold one; as with recently who declared to an upper middle-aged woman that she was discouraged by her looks but God is going to fix it supernaturally and she will be beautiful.

If we've ever talked about prophets you will have heard my stance. The second thing I look for in a TRUE prophet is the message. Is the message always sweet smells and roses, and to continue in the pleasing walk? I tell people this is the first warning sign of a false prophet. Why would this be? Read More…


We all know that satan is the great accuser. We see that being played out in the book of Job. The question is, “If satan accused you, would you be found guilty of the accusations?” Here’s what I mean.

The primary focus in most churches are health, wealth, and prosperity. Churches fast for stuff, they pray for health, the chant passages for better jobs, men, cars, houses, money, etc. I’m not saying that having these things are bad but the primary focus of the church are these things with very little talk and effort towards obedience and a relationship with God.

When we look at Job chapters one and two we see the accuser of Job at work. What was his accusations of Job? He only follows God because of his stuff and health that God provides.

If our primary focus is on prosperity then do we really have a defense against these accusation?


Yesterday, I was talking to a good friend of mine for quite some time. We often discuss Biblical subjects that end up on a range that would leave most people’s heads spinning. I enjoy talking to them because we can discuss Scripture we don’t agree on without an argument breaking out to a point that friends become enemies - that’s rare.

The reason it’s rare is that most people Read More…


My wife and I like to be prepared for any natural disaster that can catch most people off guard. We carry a small supply of things that can sustain us for about a month. We also use essential oils for our healing.

This past weekend there was an essential oil class being held in our favorite emergency preparedness store. When we went in, I asked the worker there how things are going. He said they have been slow since since Trump was elected. Yet recently, they said, the demographic of customers have changed. They are now getting Democrats rather than Republicans.

I thought this was humorous and had to text a few of my friends for a good laugh.

The next morning, as I laid in bed meditating on what I had said and done the day before; and praying that God show me the areas I least look like Him. He brought to my mind Mark 6:34, along with my couple texts I put out.

I wondered what the fear of people over Trump had to do with that passage.

He reminded me that it was not long ago that it was people worried about Obama and told me it's because people, weather in fear or hope, are putting their emotions in men rather than the King of a real home; a home that is not passing away. All these people, weather in hope or fear, are sheep following sheep; they are without a Shepherd.

He then told me, if you want to look more like Me in this area then notice My response in Mark 6:34.


People are asking, “How could they vote in a racist, sexist, pig like Trump?”. To understand this, we must first break down the question and the over all sentiment of the voters.

To say someone was “voted IN” would assume a favorability to that person who was voted in. In other words, to be voted in means people like them. Then there are those who are voted out.

When someone has served some terms in an office and people don’t like them, they will vote in someone else (sometimes someone they don’t know) just to have a change. Historically, the phrase “voted OUT” is used with the disliked individual. This is because the person who is taking over the office was not really voted in, the goal of the people was to vote OUT the old and try something new. The person coming in just happened to be the lucky one running when the level of dislike was so high with the current individual. Read More…


If I had a dollar for every time I was asked who I was voting for or what my opinion was about the 2016 political race, I would not be worried about my financial security in the future. One reason I get this question so much is because I accurately predicted the outcome of the 2008 election in 2007. As soon as I heard Obama’s announcement it was like God told me the man would win; despite the fact I didn’t want him to. If your an Obama supporter, don’t be offended that I didn’t like “your guy”. I base my vote upon the Bible and honestly... he didn’t meet the criteria... along with most of those who run.

This is a hotter topic this election. I’ve never seen such craziness in the election cycle as I’ve seen this year. Proponents of both sides swear that the country will end if the other person is elected. My thoughts about the selection this year is not much different from any previous elections - well, maybe a little stronger. Strong in the sense that I really don’t like either one.

Here’s my Biblical opinion about who will win: Read More…


In speaking of the judgment of God, when disaster falls on an area, some within the church like to point their finger at the level of sin in that area. What does the Bible say of the judgment of God which falls upon man?

There’s no doubt that judgment will fall upon all mankind in the very end, at the second coming of Christ; yet, we see a different picture painted until that time. Read More…


You will need to read this through to the end. If you do not read this through to the end you will walk away thinking that I believe God does evil; and that is just not true. Yet, we must look at the Bible and put things into perspective; and then make logical conclusions.

There have been a series of natural disasters in the world this year. I find many, within certain large religious movements, who blame these disasters on satan. My question is, while we can find Scripture, all through the Bible, about how God is sovereign over the weather, can anyone show me Scripture where angels are sovereign over the weather? The created angels do not have power over weather apart from the sovereignty of God; and satan is a fallen created angel. God is Creator, satan is creature.

Some may be asking, “Does this mean God is doing evil in the world?” Read More…


Some believe that what is happening in Louisiana is God’s judgement upon a wicked land. I’m not saying it’s not. It’s highly likely it is. YET!!! are the rest of us in America any better? God can just as easily lay His judgement upon Las Vegas, California, New York, Chicago, and Atlanta (along with many others). We need to be careful in placing judgement upon these areas. What do I mean?

Look, one must judge and those who say the Bible says not to judge has really not read the Bible. What it comes down to is HOW we judge. First, we need to be careful not to judge in a way that comes across as our poop don’t stink. We all have issues and that’s why we work together. Second, if we judge but do nothing to help restore than that would the a true definition of judging.

Times like this can easily show the righteous judgement of God at hand. We need to remember that God places judgement to call people to repentance. At the same time, we should be helping Louisiana as we then show the Glory of God’s mercy to a land that would otherwise not be worthy. See, this is the picture of Christ. None of us are worthy of God’s Grace and Mercy, only His wrath in judgement; yet He sent Christ for us. We should be such a picture to a people seen as unworthy of Grace.


Think about this fact a moment: Darkness Does not Exist. As I say that I’m looking out into the night sky; and some might say, “How can you look into the night sky and say darkness does not exist?”.

Let’s look at this based upon what we know. Light definitely exist. You walk into a room and flip the switch and there is light. Yet, darkness does not exist unless there is no light. You buy a flash LIGHT but you do not buy a flash DARK. There’s a LIGHT switch but there is not a DARK switch. Darkness exist ONLY in the absence of light.

Think about this the next time you think about all the darkness in America, and in the world. The darkness ONLY exist because the light has been turned off (Matt 5:14-16). The more the church looks like the world the darker the church gets and the darker the world is. It’s time the light get’s turned back on.


What are we doing? I’ve known this but it seems to really have hit me more this week. What are we doing in our lives? We know that we are not staying here. The Bible says not to build up here but build up in Heaven. What are we doing, and what are we thinking, in buying all the stuff we don’t need?

A few months back I was with a teenager who kept pointing out cars they seen, and wanted. It explained to them, and showed them pictures of, all the cars I’ve had in my life. I had a dragster, a 48 plymouth, 68 Cougar, dune buggies, and motorcycles. I’ve had a lot of cars that the world would call nice rides; yet I have no money from them and I don’t even have the cars any more. All I have is a few pictures. I was trying to show the teen that spending money on these fast cars, nice cars, is only temporary satisfaction. Rarely does anyone get to keep that which they devoted so much time and money to.

When I think about that conversation, isn’t that the reality of our life as a whole? We don’t keep anything. In fact, we will not even have the pictures of the material stuff we had. Why are we waisting so much time and money on things that are here today and gone tomorrow? Especially when Scripture makes clear that the way in which we handle the stuff in this world is a clear view of the condition of our heart. If God is worried about the widow, orphan, and poor and we are worried about the house, car, boat, bike, toy, vacation, and retirement, then can we honestly say that there is a question of whether or not we have the heart of God?


The Lord blessed me with the privilege of going to the Mamprusi people of Ghana West Africa. I just returned on May 25th. This is the story of the adventure of the eight of us who went.

I want to show you what God showed me as an overall picture, something I knew mentally but God showed me physically.

A few years ago I came back from a survival trip in the deserts of Utah. I had a peaked interest in a multi-tool made by Leatherman called a Wave. The Wave is one of their top of the line multi-tool and therefore it is quite pricy. I didn’t want to spend the money so, over the next six months, I would look for the tool in each store we shopped at, hoping to find it on sale. I never did. Read More…


It’s not possible to become a Christian, deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Him and your life look the same as your affluent atheistic neighbor.


if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at the watchman's hand
(Ezekiel 33:6 NKJV)

What does that say of those who refuse to open their mouth to those around them because of fear of rejection?

CHRIST IN US (Galatians 2:20)

“Beware lest even as a Christian, you fall into Satan’s trap! You may have found and come to know God in the Lord Jesus Christ, receiving Him sincerely as your Redeemer, yet if you do not enter into the mystery of godliness and allow God to be in you the origin of His own image, you will seek to be godly by submitting yourself to external rules and regulations and by conforming to behavior patterns imposed upon you by the particular Christian society that you have chosen and in which you hope to be found ‘acceptable.’ You will in this way perpetuate the pagan habit of practicing religion in the energy of the flesh, and in the very pursuit of righteousness commit idolatry in honoring ‘Christianity’ more than Christ!”
~ Ian Thomas Read More…


There are two beliefs on the teachings of the Bible that are growing through the world. One is, “Don’t listen to the teachings of Christ - listen to the teachings of Paul instead” (I’ve addressed this one in the past). Now I’m going to address the other: “Don’t listen to the teaching of Paul”

In this ever growing theory, the proponents argue that 1. Matthias was called by God and seen Christ but Paul had not seen Christ to make him applicable to be an apostle, 2. Paul was not an apostle, and 3. Paul’s teachings apposed Christ’s teachings. You may believe that this theory is absurd, yet could you logically defend the Bible and Paul? Since most of the New Testament is written by Paul, it’s hard to use Scripture to defend the cause; one must use logic. The theory uses illogic to make it’s argument, we are going to look at logic and make a determination from there. (For the sake of length, this will be broke up into a couple different posts that will continue after the weekend.) Read More…


Before I start, I don't believe in, nor condone, nor recognize the marriage of anyone unless it's one man and one woman. The Bible specifically speaks against the acts of homosexuality (Lev 18:22; 20:13; Rom 1:26-27; 1 Cor 6:9).

While I do not support same sex marriages, I'm going to weigh in on the increasing number of business' who are refusing to provide a service to gay couples - and condemn these also. Read More…


So, I have a question. Since no one seeks God (Rom 3:11), to whom are "seeker sensitive" churches sensitive to?

Christ never watered Himself or the Gospel down - you either want Him or you don't.


Many years ago I was talking to a Jew and he noted that Christ was a good man and a good teacher. When I look at the life of Christ, this belief has always puzzled me.
For those who do not believe in Christianity, most do believe Christ existed; and had an impact on society (few believe He never existed). So, how do we confront these beliefs? We confront the beliefs by asking, “How did Yeshua live and what did Yeshua claim?”
Read More…


When a person goes to a seminary, once graduated, they get a ordination proclaiming their pastoral office. There are institutions that hand out ordinations and even some churches. With an ordination a person can legally officiate marriage ceremonies and preach funerals; actions that require a government acceptance of the office of minister for government forms. Some denominations require ordination for certain offices within the church; especially any pastoral office. Yet, other than man requiring it, an ordination is not needed to preach the Gospel of Christ or to hold the office of pastor in a church.

Where did the practice come from? Actually, it's been going on for centuries; yet they were not always called a certificate of ordination.
Read More…


OK.... I want to make straight my beliefs on the Bible, so called lost scrolls, and books.

THE BIBLE IS GOD INSPIRED - That means, If God inspired it, everything I need to know is included. God controls the hearts and actions of men in what He determines fit for His purpose. There is no man, government, or religion that can purposely or accidentally leave out any information that God deemed pertinent for His people.

THE BIBLE IS RELEVANT FOR ALL PEOPLE OF ALL TIME - The Bible was not written to us. The books and letters of the Bible were written to THEM, in THEIR time and preserved for ALL people for all times. This means there is no "new" information that God did not include in the Bible. No one is getting "new" revelation that is not found in Scripture; and especially that does not conform with Scripture. Read More…


If a person is pronounced to be a "great theologian", take heed.
THEOLOGY is "a system of THEORETICAL principles".

THEORETICAL is relating to what is possible or imagined rather than to what is known to be true or real.

Theologians are looked upon as having great knowledge of Gods Word; while the very meaning behind the title does not define fact but rather a fiction - a theory; which then places their teachings on the same logical scale as the "THEORY of evolution". Read More…


Whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked.
(1 John 2:6)

A few weeks ago, I was talking to a man and he asked if Julia was my sister. I told him she was my wife. He noted that we look like brother and sister.

Last week I was sitting with a pastor and a young man who is in an internship at the church. The pastor used the word "dude" in a sentence; then complained that he picked it up from the young man.
It's widely known that married couples, who have been together for a long period of time, start to look like each other. Their mannerisms become the same. Their likes and dislikes become the same. When we hang around people, we tend to pick up mannerisms, words, and phrases used. Read More…


…At that time a great persecution arose against the church which was at Jerusalem; and they were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles. 2 And devout men carried Stephen to his burial, and made great lamentation over him.
3 As for Saul, he made havoc of the church, entering every house, and dragging off men and women, committing them to prison. 4 Therefore those who were scattered went everywhere preaching the word
(Acts 8:1-4)
Read More…


The church is suppose to be a preview of the Kingdom of God to the world. We are the "movie trailer" to the full fledge "movie"; and we have failed miserably. The world is seeing this trailer and they are saying that it does not match the movie. We've given the worst scenes and completely destroyed interest in the "movie". Lord, help us get a grasp of this truth; and chastise us to bring us into a group of people that will show your Glory, and your Kingdom, to the world.


The attached article is about how Brad and Angelina have set their lives for the purpose of helping people in need. In the article, the author says,

“Soon he and Angelina Jolie won't even live on Earth, they'll just dangle above it, in a nursery-equipped Gulfstream IV, sort of the way Brandon Routh's Superman prefers to just float, in the stratosphere, listening acutely, compassionately, for trouble down there, and when he hears it, zoom , down he goes. We were always told that this is what the citizens of the future would do: They would have no fixed address. They would go where needed, constantly, selflessly.”

He then finishes the article by saying, Read More…


In a recent article, the author broke down "christians" into three groups: Couch-potato, Cafeteria, and Convictional. I'm no ones judge, but I'm convinced by the reading of the Word of God, that only one of these groups look for a relationship with God; therefore only one will make it.

Couch-potato Christians: These Christians adapt to the culture by staying silent on the tough culture-and-faith discussions. Typically this group will downplay God's absolute truths by promoting the illusion that neutrality was Jesus' preferred method of evangelism.

Cafeteria-style Christians: This group picks and chooses which Scripture passages to live by, opting for the ones that best seem to jive with culture. Typically they focus solely on the "nice" parts of the gospel while simultaneously and intentionally minimizing sin, hell, repentance and transformation.
Convictional Christians: In the face of the culture's harsh admonitions, these evangelicals refuse to be silent. Mimicking Jesus, they compassionately talk about love and grace while also sharing with their neighbors the need to recognize and turn from sin.

Full Article


I believe that one thing that has hurt the church in the past several decades is the fact that the church is viewed as a building or institution. Though we know the truth and proclaim the truth that the church is the body of Christ, a group of people, we act like and communicate like the church is a building, or an institution. We understand that this is our mindset because of the ways we present the church. Read More…


Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. 2 And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet- smelling aroma.
3 But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints; 4 neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks. 5 For this you know, that no fornicator, unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God
(Ephesians 5:1-5 NKJV)

Last week we looked at Ephesians 5 and discussed pornography in relation to fornication listed in this portion of this letter. Obviously, fornication means more than pornography. Unfortunately, the church has moved into a very liberal stance of God’s word. Many believe that sex outside of marriage is not wrong in the eyes of God. Get Paul makes clear that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Now I want to show you something that convicted me the first time I had ever read it; and I believe it will convict almost every Male Christian (At least in America). Look at what Paul confronts the church about in verse four. He lists foolish talking and coarse jesting. Read More…


On this day 1984 years ago the son of God, Yeshua, Jesus, died on the cross for our sins. I know we celebrated Friday as the anniversary of the death of Christ; but let me show you something in scripture.

Have you ever wondered how Christ was supposed to be in the grave three days and three nights yet was only there, traditionally, Friday through Sunday? That is only three days and two nights.

For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth
(Matthew 12:40 NKJV) Read More…


Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. 2 And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet- smelling aroma.
3 But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints; 4 neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks. 5 For this you know, that no fornicator, unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God
(Ephesians 5:1-5 NKJV)

We are going to camp out here for a couple weeks. When reading the letters of Paul we need to remember the context that it is a letter written to a church. Then, We look at Paul’s words, like we see here, and we see very stout statements.

According to statistics, as many as 50% of churchgoers today struggle with a porn addiction. 50% of men viewed pornography within one week of attending a promise keepers stadium event. 54% of pastors say they have viewed pornography within the past year. And in 2003, Focus on the Family said that 47% of respondents to their poll said that porn is a problem in their home. Read More…




While John Wesley was in Oxford, "He had just finished paying for some pictures for his room when one of the chambermaids came to his door. It was a cold winter day, and he noticed that she had nothing to protect her except a thin linen gown. He reached into his pocket to give her some money to buy a coat but found he had too little left. Immediately, the thought struck him that the Lord was not pleased with the way he had spent his money. He asked himself, Will thy Master say, “Well done, good and faithful steward?” Thou hast adorned thy walls with the money which might have screened this poor creature from the cold! O justice! O mercy! Are not these pictures the blood of this poor maid?"
- Charles Edward White


“The New Testament carried forward the major principles of the Old Testament with one conspicuous omission. Never, in the New Testament, never was material wealth promised as a guaranteed reward for spiritual obedience.” Material reward for piety or for obedience never reappears in Jesus’ teachings. And in fact, it is explicitly contradicted throughout.”
- Craig Blomberg / Neither Poverty nor Riches: A Biblical Theology of Possessions


Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “ One thing you lack:Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me.”
22 But he was sad at this word, and went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions. 23 Then Jesus looked around and said to His disciples, “ How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God
(Mark 10:21-23 NKJV)

“A startling thing has happened among the Western Christians. Many of us, habitually, think and act as if there were no eternity or as if what we do in this present life has no eternal consequences.” He continues, “Without a doubt, the single greatest contributor to our inability to see money and possessions in their true light is our persistent failure to see our present lives through the lens of eternity.”
- Randy Alcorn / Money, Possessions and Eternity

The reason we can live in our abundance in this world, and ignore the 70% of the worlds population in poverty, is because we forget there is a world to come. Yes, we know its there but it's in the back of our mind while virtually every hour of every day we live not thinking that there is a life 100,000 years from now. If we fully understood that there is a life 100,000 years from now that was dependent upon how we live our lives today, we would live far differently in this 70 years average lifespan.


A police officer one Sunday morning was staked out in a driveway, when he saw a large dog trot up to his car. The dog stopped and sat just out of arms reach. No matter how much the officer tried to coax him to come for a pat on the head, he refused to budge. After a few minutes, the officer decided to move to a another location. As soon as he pulled out of the driveway, the officer looked back and learn the reason for the dogs behavior. As soon as the car moved, the dog quickly picked up the newspaper the car had been parked on and faithfully ran back to his master. That's funny, but it also says to me that if a dog could be that focused and that committed to his assigned task, then shouldn't we also? To the dog, the task look impossible: the paper was under the car and he couldn't get to it. But he didn't do what we so often do: when we are faced with"Impossible" challenges many times we just turn and walk away, saying"oh well, maybe we weren't meant to do that". Perhaps today we could learn something from that dog.(1) he was faithful to do what his master expected of him;(2) he was focused on the assignment and let nothing, not even a pat on the head, distract him; and(3) he knew instinctively that the car didn't belong there, and would eventually move, so he patiently waited until that happened. Here are the lessons for us today.(1) Our Master expects us to be His Body, fulfilling His Commands and Sharing His Gospel;(2) we should be focused on our assignment and not be distracted by other things that come along, however good they maybe; and(3) we should know instinctively that this world is not our home, and be patient as we wait for that Great Day When Yeshua Will return. When Yeshua Said," if anyone loves me, he will obey My Teaching." That's about as clear as it could be said. No wiggle room. No reading between the lines. No loopholes. So, Is there a car parked on your newspaper? - Local "The GoodNews Weekly (Year 9 Week 21)


Are you willing to come to Y’shua on HIS terms? We often set up our own terms. When we look at how we pitch Christianity, how we try to talk people into coming to Christ, and you will find terms that are foreign to the New Testament. The modern church wants to lead people to Christ through a following of the “Roman road” to Jesus: You believe these four spiritual laws, answer these questions correctly, pray this prayer and sign the card, raise your hand and declare your faith in Jesus; and your saved. Y’shua told none of His followers to do these things - none of them.

“ If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. 27 And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple. 28 For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it — 29 lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, 30 saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish. ’ 31 Or what king, going to make war against another king, does not sit down first and consider whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand? 32 Or else, while the other is still a great way off, he sends a delegation and asks conditions of peace. 33 So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple
(Luke 14:26-33 NKJV) Read More…




In Isaiah chapter 58 God is telling his people that they’re fasting doesn’t mean anything if you have no concern for the poor.

In Matthew chapter 25 Yeshua says if you do not feed the hungry or clothe the naked you will go to hell. The Jesus that we say we worship says this.

He who oppresses the poor reproaches his Maker,
But he who honors Him has mercy on the needy
(Proverbs 14:31 NKJV)

Whoever shuts his ears to the cry of the poor
Will also cry himself and not be heard
(Proverbs 21:13 NKJV)

If you shut your ears to the cry of the poor, you pray and God does not hear you. You ignore the poor, go to Church on Sunday and sing songs to God, and the pray, God does not hear you.
He who gives to the poor will not lack,
But he who hides his eyes will have many curses
(Proverbs 28:27 NKJV)
Cursed for ignoring the poor.
Read More…


In 1980 a young man from Rwanda was forced by his tribe to either renounce Christ or face certain death. He refused to renounce Christ, and he was killed on the spot. The night before he had written the following commitment which was found in his room:

“I’m part of the fellowship of the unashamed, the die has been cast, I have stepped over the line, the decision has been made- I’m a disciple of Jesus Christ. I won’t look back, let up, slow down, back away or be still.

My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, my future is secure. I’m finished and done with low living, sight walking, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tamed vision, worldly talking, cheap giving & dwarfed goals.

My face is set, my gait is fast, my goal is heaven, my road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions are few, my guide is reliable, my mission is clear. I won’t give up, shut up, let up until I have stayed up, stored up, prayed up for the cause of Jesus Christ.

I must go till He comes, give till I drop, preach till everyone knows, work till He stops me & when He comes for His own, He will have no trouble recognizing me because my banner will have been clear.”


Sin is the Glory of God not honored
Sin is the Holiness of God not Reverenced
Sin is the Greatness of God not admired Sin is the Power of God not praised Sin is the Truth of God not sought Sin is the Wisdom of God not esteemed Sin is the Beauty of God not treasured Sin is the Goodness of God not savored Sin is the Faithfulness of God not trusted Sin is the Promises of God not believed Sin is the Commandments of God not obeyed Sin is the Justice of God not respected Sin is the Wrath of God not feared Sin is the Grace of God not cherished Sin is the Presence of God not prized Sin is the Person of God not loved. - John Piper


Where is the church? People in America would be like, “Look on just about every corner”. That’s NOT the church and the people inside are definitely not acting like it either. No, none of us are perfect; but, the church is suppose to be a group of people who are allowing the power of God to transform their lives into a people that look and act far different from the world. So, I ask again, where is the church?

I don’t think the people in America get it. We’ve been desensitized so greatly that we don’t really get it. We don’t witness because of rejection and persecution. We spend a couple hours a week in a church building but spend many hours a week in worldly entertainment. We spend our money the same as the world, spend our time the same as the world, respond to injustices the same way as the world, get involved with the same type of worldly entertainment, and train our kids to pursue the same worldly achievements while vastly ignoring the things of God. Read More…


Ok, so this is out there and I don’t want people to be deceive by the modern heresy that is being echoed.

There is a growing number of proponents that are yelling that tithing is not directly commanded in the New Testament. Yeah, well neither is watching TV, spending money on your own pleasures, playing sports, and the likes - but you don’t seem to have a problem there.

Even though there is no direct command to TITHE, there are plenty of examples to the practice in the New Testament gentile church. Anything else is just a play on words. Read More…


Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.
(Luke 9:26)

We often look at this statement and think about a verbal statement in rejecting Christ. There are other passages that specifically talk about the rejection of Christ but this is not the context of what Y’shua is talking about in this statement. Read More…


I was born in PA but raised most of my life in a small town in TN. I was raised with waitress’ calling you “honey” and “dear”. In the south, there is a certain politeness that is not found in many other areas of the country; and that was especially true during my youth.

I remember once, as a child, my dad confronted a server about our rude service. He asked her if he needs to talk to her manager. She said, “I am the manager”. I remember this about my dad. He never said it but he seemed to operate under the belief that we can take our money anywhere for what we are purchases; therefore, I want good service from where I go. Read More…


“Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. 24 For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it.
(Luke 9:23-26 NIV)

To us, the cross looks like a beautiful thing. But, when you look at Christ’s statement in the 1st century context you get something totally different. The cross was a punishment for criminals that was meant to be as brutal and demeaning as humanly possible. This would be like you guys coming here and I tell you, “You can not be a follower of Christ unless you pick up your electric chair and follow Him.” Now that’s weird enough, but that death is still less painful and less demeaning than the cross. Read More…




In persecution of the saints that appears to be headed to America and all the violent persecution of the saints abroad, I gathered all the passages about persecution. I put them together with their references. They are from the NIV version and I added only the words in brackets in order to make it more first person context, and NOT to change any meanings. The rest of the wording is strictly Bible. After you’ve read, we are going to unpack these amazing passages and see how they relate to the persecuted church abroad and what they could mean of our lives in America.

[Seek] to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead (Philippians 3:10-11).
Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened (1 Peter 3:13-14). However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name (1 Peter 4:16). [Because] “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God,” (Acts 14:22). Read More…


Recently, Alex Malarkey admitted that he made up the stories of his trip to Heaven. The first thing people typically want to do is get mad and start persecuting him. Yet, we all have messed up; and we’ve all lied. The angels rejoice at one who repents; therefore, should we not rejoice with them?

I am so glad that Alex came out, admitted, and repented of his deeds. I only wish the others would do the same. There are many books that claim visits to Heaven or Hell: many that have hit the best selling charts. They hit the best selling charts because most people believe the accounts - accounts that are not Biblical.

Read More…


Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy, 2 fulfill my joy by being like- minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. 3 Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. 4 Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others
(Philippians 2:1-4 NKJV)

I’ve heard it said, and even said it myself, “Well, they put their pants on the same way I do... one leg at a time”. That statement is so true... well, except for maybe firemen. We often like to use that statement when we believe someone else thinks themselves better than us. I believe that the fact is, to a point, we all are guilty of this at some point to someone. Read More…


If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person
(1 John 3:17)

In America more than 65% of the population believes they are “Born Again”. When Y’shua was talking to Nicodemus He said that one must be born of water and spirit. While Nicodemus was confused, this was a statement that he should have known well (John 3:7, 10).

Y’shua was relating an Old Testament teaching to the term Born Again. Y’shua was not talking about baptism. In fact, baptism is no where in the context of this conversation. He was relating to facts that Nicodemus should have known and is seen most clear in Ezekiel 36 because they are back to back just as Y’shua stated it. Read More…


In America, it’s a common action of pastors and professing Christians to say, “I believe God want’s me to do this thing”. I’ve even heard pastors say, “God made it clear to me that He wants this done”. Then, that person, or group of people, will plan fund raisers and various other schemes to try and raise the money to accomplish that which “God told them to do”. Once it does not play out the way they thought, they don’t get the money in the manner they thought, all of a sudden, that person will say, “I thought God wanted this, I guess not” or they will change to a new work that they say “God told them to do”.

There are a couple of issues with this type of “ministry”. First, If God really did tell you to do a thing, and you give up, you are rejecting God’s instruction. That is not good.

Then there is the issue of God changing His mind because money didn’t come in or things just didn’t go right. Read More…




I recently had a friend in Kenya ask me about the electricity in our homes. He seemed to be amazed at how cold it gets here, the snow, and about the homes being heated by electricity. I thought my reply to him should be of interest to us.

Here's what I wrote:

"You ask about electricity in the homes in America. I'm going to be very upfront an honest about what I'm seeing of American homes verses about 96% of the rest of the world (as told by the World Bank).

Almost all the houses are heated with electricity. Unlike your country where electricity is rare, in America, to have no electricity is rare. We live very strangely compared to most of the world. All the times that I've told you that I'm a bit ashamed at this country, this is why. I understand the blessing God has given us. I also understand the curse that upon us because most in America rather care for their own comforts than others.

So that you understand the context of what I'm talking about, I'm going to explain the average home in America. Read More…


Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles? ’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers! ’
(Matthew 7:22-23 NIV)

What Y’shua is saying here is that it’s possible for me to stand before Him one day and hear Him say, “I never knew you”. It is possible for you to stand there before Him and for Him to say, “I never knew you”. Read More…


I’m sure your aware that the Bible works together as a whole. There is no point which contradict any other part. Contradiction typically comes between theology and Bible.

In Matthew 18:23, Y’shua is telling what the “Kingdom of Heaven is like”. He says that we are sinners owing a great debt to a perfect God. In our plea, God forgives our debt. We know it is at this point He also forgets. That, now “christian”, goes out and is not so merciful to other imperfect people. That “christian” is not as forgiving. Because that “christian” did not love his neighbor enough to forgive the the small debt, God chose to place the debt back on that person.

But then we have Isaiah 43:25. Since these look like they contradict each other, we need to look at similarities and difference in the two accounts. Read More…


But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
(Matthew 6:15 NIV)

One thing I’ve found is that people inside the church seem to be just as unforgiving as those outside the church. in fact, it seems that those inside the church wear their feelings on their sleeves a whole lot more than those outside the church. There is quite a bit of resentment towards individuals who they believe have done them wrong. One thing I understand from my life is that there is not one single person who has, or could do, more wrong to me then I have done to God. Read More…




I want you to pretend with me. We’re going back to our childhood days and we are going to pretend. Let’s pretend that we are aliens from a totally different galaxy and we are visiting earth for the first time.

It’s sunday morning and we watch as many humans, maybe most, groggily arise out of bed and start their way to a building they call “church”. There’s some kind of ceremony that goes on there but it’s apparent that the beginning of the ceremony is not very important because many arrive after the ceremony is already started. They gather together to sing songs semi-enthusiastically, if they have any emotion at all. It appears that the words roll off their lips as if they are not paying much attention to what those words actually say. Read More…


I read a lot about people who are upset about others who think they are entitled to things and the government caring for them. Typically, this is pointed to certain ethnic groups but it actually means anyone who doesn’t want to work but wants things handed to them; and especially handed to them the way THEY want it. Let me break down an “entitlement syndrome” for you real quick.

entitlement |enˈtītlmənt|
the fact of having a right to something: Read More…


But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. 37 For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned
(Matthew 12:36-37 NKJV)

If we REALLY Believed what the Bible said, would we be more careful about what we post on Facebook? Would we be more careful how we interacted with people? What manner of your speech would you change if there was a recorder following you around and you knew that what you said, what you typed, what you shared, could determine whether or not you get to spend eternity with the Creator? Guess what? There is such a recorder.

For the next week, let us watch what we say and do as if we really believed in what the Bible said, as if we really understood the depth of this passage. Then lets extend that week onto a month, year, lifetime.


“Here I am, here I stand, my life is in your hands... I give myself away, so you can use me...”

“I give you my life. I give you my trust - Jesus. You are my God, You are enough - Jesus, Jesus... My heart is Yours, My heart is Yours, Take it all, take it all, My life in your hands”

“I love everything You are, That my heart, beats to the rhythm of Your heart... My life is yours and will be forever”

“In view of God's mercy, I offer my all... And take my life, let it be everything, all of me. Here I am, use me for Your glory. In everything I say and do, let my life honor You. Here I am living for Your glory” Read More…


A small boy opened the big family Bible. Suddenly, an old leaf fell out that had been pressed flat between the pages. "What have you got there?" his mom asked."

With astonishment, the boy answered, "I think it's Adam's underwear!"


In a recent church service, the pastor started a thought on fasting; yet I don’t believe he finished the thought. Understanding the context of this message is to America, he said, the reason why we don’t fast is because we love food. Wow, that’s right. He continued to say that the second reason we don’t fast is because we need food to survive. Unfortunately, the pastor ended it there. Honestly, that second point is probably only partially true because, in America, we love food so much, we could do without food for a month and many will still not look malnourished. Read More…


I want to speak boldly, openly, and honestly here. As if I have any other level right? In my circle, there has been a lot of talk about being filled with the Spirit of God. There are all kinds of teachings of how one knows they are filled and how others would know that they are filled with the Spirit of God. Unfortunately, this thought is not all Biblical. This writing is not a debate on whether or not the gifts of the Spirit are operational today but a look at what the Bible says is the sign that we have the Spirit of God in us. We must remember that satan also has signs and wonders (Rev 13:13).

If we say we follow the Bible, then it’s the Bible we go by. What does the Bible say is evidence of our having the Spirit of God? Read More…


I've heard it preached that God set up governments; but that is just not true. In fact, 1 Samuel 8 tells us that mans desire to have a government displeased God, and YHWH saw it as a rejection of Him.

The people of God ask for, and put stock in, a human leader and God warned, the leader will take your sons and appoint them into the military. He will place some before him, to guard him, to give their life for him; and appoint some to dictate over others. Your sons and daughters will labor for the leader. He will take the best of what’s yours and give them to those who serve him. You will become his servants by taking a portion of what is yours and giving it to himself and his house. Because you [people of God] look to a human leader rather than to YHWH, you will cry out and the leader you have chosen for yourselves, and the Lord will not hear you. (1 Samuel 8:1-18) Read More…


The following Scriptures are statements made by Christ in what we call “The Sermon on the Mount”; Y’shua’s first sermon of his ministry.

“ You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder, and whoever murders will be in danger of the judgment. ’ 22 But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment
(Matthew 5:21-22 NKJV) Read More…


A few years ago I had the privilege of spending seven days of survival in the high desert wilderness, with nine wonderful people. Each of us had a very minimal in supplies: knife, water bottle, blanket, poncho, thermals, coat, gloves, 5x5 piece of cloth, about 25 feet of paracord (no backpack, no tent, no sleeping bag, no matches or lighter, no toilet paper!!!! ahhhh). The food that we had for an entire week was what most people would eat in one sitting. When being put in situations like this people tend to draw off each other. Even though the nine of us had never met before this week in the desert, bonds were built - some fairly strong. Read More…


Jesus talks about a narrow road and a wide road. And while many depict this as a man standing at a “Y” in the road, I see it as just one road.

On this long road, one end is narrow and one is extremely wide. I want to be heading towards the narrow end and the closer I get, the narrower the road gets. There are three types of people to which I see on this road. While I’m striving to get closer to the narrow end, those who have been living in sin are closer to the wider end; and I don’t see those. I see three types of people involved in the “Christian” walk.

There are people staggered, walking towards the narrow end. Each are dropping notes of encouragement on the road for those coming up behind, because those behind are not as far along in the journey as they are. Everyone is also picking up notes left by those ahead of them; so it will help with their journey. This is the first group. The second group are those who are standing still. These are those who feel they have gone as far as they need to go and work to stay right where their at. The third group are those walking back towards the wide end. They are in front of me headed back, therefore they once were headed towards the narrow end, but as the road got narrow they felt the walk was too hard and they turned around. In this walk, group 2 and group 3 are failures and they are unhappy inside.

I look ahead and a person walking towards the narrow side trips and falls right next to the person standing still. As they are on the ground, the person standing still, and those passing back the other direction spit on them, kick them, and mock them.

Then I see one traveling towards the narrow end who comes upon the one who fell and he stops a moment; taking time out of his journey to bend over and help up the fallen. He helps clean the wounds and bends over to pick up a note left by one traveling before them. He hands that note of encouragement to the one who just fell and takes them by the hand and continues the journey with them.

When things happen in my life, I ask myself, “Who am I in this scenario?”


When I look at the pages of many, not all but probably most, professing Christians and I see the majority of post about politics, and little about God, I fear that they have not gotten the “just” of what God said about this. I understand this is voting time, but even still, many professing christians put so much trust into voting and what politicians can do for them and their nation of people. Again, I fear that they have not seen the way YHWH views this.

In the years of my life, which I can track government, and by what history teaches us, we learn that the government is not really for us, they are for themselves. They are not working to make us money, they are working to gather our money. All through history, government has put it’s citizens into a type of servitude to the government; and the US government is no different - they just learned how to sell it to us and make us like it - thinking we actually have a choice in the matter. Read More…


I was considering the horns, and there was another horn, a little one, coming up among them, before whom three of the first horns were plucked out by the roots. And there, in this horn, were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking pompous words
(Daniel 7:8 NKJV)

"God is not a divine being..." and He did not create the planet in the way He tells us in the Bible. Pope Francis

Read More



“ What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them goes astray, does he not leave the ninety- nine and go to the mountains to seek the one that is straying? 13 And if he should find it, assuredly, I say to you, he rejoices more over that sheep than over the ninety- nine that did not go astray. 14 Even so it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish
(Matthew 18:12-14 NKJV)

Undeniable truth - None of us are perfect and none know all. Read More…


Around the corner from our house is a church who, a couple years ago, was advertising to join them for service with good music, donuts and coffee, and Christ. I thought that was an odd order to place those in.

And so it was, when those bearing the ark of the Lord had gone six paces, that he sacrificed oxen and fatted sheep. 14 Then David danced before the Lord with all his might; and David was wearing a linen ephod. 15 So David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the Lord with shouting and with the sound of the trumpet
(2 Samuel 6:13-15 NKJV) Read More…


First, I want to open with we never all agree on everything. But!, what I want everyone to consider is, does your belief come from a lifetime of being guided through Scripture, a head knowledge of Scripture, or a TRUE and unadulterated relationship with the Living God?

I was raised protestant. We were in church faithfully each sunday morning, evening, and wednesday. I ran from the church for a variety of reasons and came back in about 2008. After about a year, I devoted my life to studying Scripture and passing the whole of the context on to others. Understanding that the Bible was given to the Jews, written by the Jews, in a Jewish culture, around Jewish traditions, my wife and I started attending a Messianic Jewish Synagogue: we wanted to learn more to understand more of Scripture. Read More…


Years ago I entered into a study of HOW we got the Bible into our hands. This led me through a historical journey of paganism, conspiracies, murder and death, and the likes. Once I saw the claims made by the reformers, towards the roman catholic church, I started researching the writings of the roman catholic church. Looking at historical accounts, their writings, and prophecy, it became very evident that catholicism introduced, into the church, multiple amounts of paganism that dates as far back as the rule of Babylon.

Babylon was the foundation of the modern astrology worship system we have today. Baal was the sun god, Ashtoreth was his wife and she was the moon goddess, and they had their first born of 34 children (36 gods in all). The father, mother, and first born is the trinity. Read More…


Before you married your spouse, chances are, you gazed upon other people in “want” and dated other people. How well will a marriage relationship work if we continue to gaze in “want” and date other people? I suspect, not too good. Yet, we can help the situation by understanding, “we are a work in progress” in this marriage; so it’s ok right now, eventually I’ll be able to stop dating other people.

We don’t accept this in our relationships with each other, why do we accept this in our relationship with God? It’s time we stop dating the world and start dating god. It’s time we stop looking like the world we date and start looking like Christ. Before you do something in and of this world, think about how this looks in regards to your relationship with God.


The following are a list of ten things which Christ confronts the modern church of. This comes from a great article which you can see by clicking the link below. The article goes into each point with greater detail. Worth a read - More than worth a self-examination on.

If we are not moving forward, trying to present ourselves more like Christ, we are standing still. If we are standing still, we are moving away. There’s only one of two directions - toward God or away from God. Read More…


An article was just released that echo’s two things that I’ve been shouting warnings about:
1. You need to learn how to properly study Scripture; because the American Gospel as a whole is filled with lies and deception.
2. Revelation is about persecution of the people of God.

Revelation first warns us of a religious power that arose out of Old Rome and would persecute the saints physically. Revelation warns us second about a religious christian looking empire that would arise from the vastness of the land and speak lies. Revelation 13 warns us that this empire would bring fire from heaven; which is a false spirit or gospel. It’s by this false spirit that the saints will be conquered through deception. Through this deception the people would build an image and that image will be worshiped by all the world. I’ve sounded warnings that the image is the American Dream of security and prosperity. Read More…


A few months ago there was a controversial trade where the US traded suspected terrorist for a soldier that was claimed to had gone AWOL. This infuriated many American citizens who said the man should had been left there to die.

There is a war that is more serious then any which our troops are in. How are the warriors fairing in that major war? Read More…


In the early 1950’s the United States Navy and United States Lines commissioned the SS United States. It was a 78 million dollar ship built to convert to a 15 thousand troop carrier for the Navy. It was the fastest and most reliable troop carrier in the world. It could go 10 thousand miles without having to stop for fuel or supplies. It could outrun any other ship. It could go anywhere in the world in less than 10 days. The only catch is... it never carried any troops. It was put on standby once during the Cuban missile crisis but it was never used, in it’s capacity, by the military. Instead, it became known as a luxury liner for presidents, heads of states, and celebrities.

As a luxury liner, the ship could not carry 15 thousand troops. Instead, just under 2 thousand passengers could enjoy the luxuries of 695 state rooms, 4 dining salons, 3 bars, 2 theaters, 5 acres of open deck with a heated pool, 19 elevators, and the comfort of the worlds first fully air conditioned passenger ship. Read More…


We say that our battle is not in flesh and blood but with principalities of darkness; but when I look around I'm not sure we really live like we know this. We need to be so careful in what we listen to.

"he realized that a number of bands that professed to be Christians were faking their faith just as he was.

'We toured with more ‘Christian bands’ who actually aren’t Christians than bands that are,' Lambesis stated. 'In 12 years of touring with As I Lay Dying, I would say maybe one in 10 Christian bands we toured with were actually Christian bands.'"

Read Article


Then the Lord said to Moses, “Leave this place, you and the people you brought up out of Egypt, and go up to the land I promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, saying, ‘I will give it to your descendants. ’ 2 I will send an angel before you and drive out the Canaanites, Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites. 3 Go up to the land flowing with milk and honey. But I will not go with you, because you are a stiff- necked people and I might destroy you on the way
(Exodus 33:1-3 NIV)

In Exodus 33, we see Israel coming face to face with reality of life without God. God promised blessings, and they were going to receive these blessings; but without God. Read More…


In America, 84% believe in Christ being the Messiah - 77% believe they are going to Heaven - 45% say they are born again - and only 4% follow Biblically based values for living.

This just makes me want to cry. The American church has failed and erred by teaching a “gospel” that is not really the Gospel at all. The conclusion to these numbers shows how the churches of America are indeed the false prophet. God, let us get a hold of this truth.

The Great Deception in the American Church


Therefore, because it was the Preparation Day, that the bodies should not remain on the cross on the Sabbath (for that Sabbath was a high day)
(John 19:31)

First off understand that I’m not Jewish born. What I’m showing is merely facts based on the Bible, the culture of the Bible, and everything the Bible is written around.

I posted yesterday that Y’shua (Jesus) died on the cross on that day, Nissan 14 of the Jewish calendar. This may have confused some people and I want to clarify some things. Read More…


Today marks an anniversary beyond all anniversaries; when Y'shua took the penalty of sin for those who want a relationship with the Father. Today is Passover.

Happy Passover!!!!


The book of Acts was written as a historical account of the rise of the church. All through the New Testament, we are told, and shown, how the church is supposed to be a life changing, community impacting, organization. Whether by positive change or by positive persecution, the world is to know that we are here. The church is intended, by God, to stand out and to make Him known in the community.

So, here is the honest look and a question I want to present today. If your church was gone tomorrow, would the community it sits in even realize it's gone?


The rich rule over the poor,
and the borrower is slave to the lender
(Proverbs 22:7)

In the contemporary context of this passage, those who have borrowed, to have the things this world offers, are slaves to the very system they are within. Read More…


In Luke 11:2, Y’shua said to start our prayer, “Our Father”. When we look at Christ’s prayer life, we see Him praying in the beginning of His ministry (Luke 3:21-22; Luke 4:1-2), before He called His disciples (Luke 6:12-13), at various times - for a time alone with the Father (Luke 5:15-16), and for strength for others (Luke 22:31-32). We see Christ telling His disciples to pray to avoid temptation (Luke 22:40, 46). Luke records the prayer life of Christ, and he does so by showing the need of prayer to Y’shua from the beginning of His ministry unto His last breath (Luke 23:46). Read More…


“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it”
(Matthew 7:13-14)

Many attribute this story to a comparison between those in the church verse those outside the church. What if I told you that I could prove, within the context of this statement by Christ, that He is comparing two different groups WITHIN the church and not comparing the world at all? Read More…


But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him
(Hebrews 11:6 NKJV)

We often look at the word "faith" here but often miss the words "diligently seek him". I've often looked at my life and the others around me and wondered if the Facebook, TV, Sports, Movies, video games, and more is diligently seeking Him. I'm not talking about a casual practice of these but those who are spending more time in these, independently or combined, more than they spend with God. As I dwelled on the verse you used here, I felt compelled to find the definition of diligent and it was something other than I expected. DILIGENT: having or showing care and conscientiousness in one's work or duties:. Considering the fact that we are to be about our Fathers work, this term "diligently seeking him" all of a sudden is changed when we see the care we should be taking in our work, or duties, given us by Christ - "spread the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to the ends of the Earth"


If we do not learn to study the Bible, we will live our life vicariously through different preachers and evangelist; and we will put our salvation in the hands of another person. Try to do a marriage like that. Try to have a marriage where you get to know your spouse through someone else. Bible Study is a personal relationship with one on one interaction with God - nothing can take it’s place. When we get into it, we will fall in love with the author of this book. Read More…


For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM should not perish but have everlasting life
(John 3:16)

Most assuredly, I say to you, HE WHO BELIEVES IN ME, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father
(John 14:12)

Question: When is the last time we raised anyone from the dead; saw a shriveled limb immediately grow back, walked on water?

God is the same and faithful to do all He promises, so, could it be that we have the wrong definition of “believe”?


80‘s Cougar, 1971 GMC Pickup, MG Midget, 1948 Plymouth, 1982 Goldwing, 1998 Dodge 4x4 Pickup, 2001 Peterbilt 379 Semi-Truck, 2006 Kenworth Semi-Truck - Those are all the vehicles, that I can remember, that I’ve been involved in an accident with; whether my fault or the other persons.

I’m sure we’ve all been involved in an accident at some point in our lives, most of us, at least one that was our fault. Accidents typically happen because we just are not thinking straight at the time - we’re preoccupied with what’s going on in life and not paying attention. Read More…


article by Mario Seiglie

Did you know that the first Thanksgiving in the United States has some strong similarities to the biblical Feast of Tabernacles? Although the pilgrims did not consciously observe this biblical feast, it is interesting to study the parallels between these two celebrations that share the common spirit of thanksgiving to God.

Both were celebrated in the autumn in the northern hemisphere, and both were a time for giving thanks to God for the blessings of the harvest season. Although forgotten by many, the American Pilgrims were a deeply religious people whose heritage was strictly founded on the Bible, both Old and New Testament.

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1 Corinthians 13:4-8,13 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8 Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. 13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

We’ve all heard this portion of passage so many times, I’m afraid they have grown tired and overly familiar. I’ve got another challenge for you, take the phrase “Love is patient” and substitute your name for the word “Love”. Then do it for every statement of “Love” listed in this portion of passage. In other words, I would say, “Wayne suffers long and is kind; wayne does not envy; Wayne does not parade himself, is not puffed up...”

Now that you’ve done this, don’t you feel like a liar? If we are meant to represent what love is, then we often fail to love people well.


I was going through my mothers kitchen the other day and saw a bottle of V8 Splash sitting in storage. I was thinking this was the V8 that had high-fructose corn syrup in it: a sweetener with mercury, and has been shown to cause substantial weight gain over that of sugar. When I saw the front label, it said “Diet”. I picked up the container just to find that it contained an artificial “diet” sweetener which has been proven to shut down the bodies metabolism.

We see this all the time in our advertising culture. I see candy with “No Fat” labels, and chips with “no trans-fat”. Often, when you look at the ingredients, the healthiness they are trying to portray on the label is not what is actually in it - it’s usually full of sugary chemicals, preservatives, colorings, etc.

Christians go around flashing their “Diet” label, trying to convince everyone they are healthy and good. Yet, they have little healthful elements to their faith. It’s like the Laodiceans, who thought they had everything until Christ told them they were poor and wretched. They were all about declaring, “Look, we are diet. We have nice things, we have good families, we go to church every week.” Obviously, it’s not what you advertise that counts, it’s what your really made of.


When I read Scripture, not associating anything with religion, but read Scripture as if I’ve never read it before, I read that God wants all or nothing, He want’s our first, and He wants our best. If you think it does not matter, if you think you can give Him the leftovers of your time and money, your fooling yourself. Recall why Cain killed Able (Gen 4:5), recall Malachi 1:8, and if that doesn’t do enough, stop watching TV and recall the gospels.

It’s easy to fill ourselves up with the things of this world and give God what is left. Hosea 13:6 says, “When I fed them, they were satisfied; when they were satisfied, they became proud; then they forgot me.” If we are honest with ourselves, we stay so busy in the worldly things we usually forget God. We throw Him a scrap or two, but only really because we feel guilty if we gave Him absolutely nothing. A mumbled three-minute prayer over a meal, or at the end of the day, when we are already half asleep. Two crumpled-up dollar bills thrown as an after-thought into the church’s fund - Fetch, God!!!

From God's perspective (which is the only that matters), leftovers are not merely inadequate - they are evil. Let's stop calling it a "busy schedule" or "bills" or "forgetfulness" - it's called evil.

Have you continued with the challenge from 11/12/13? Did you even try? How did you do? If you stopped, why? If your not sure what I'm talking about, please review "WHAT DO YOU ALLOW TO DICTATE YOUR TIME?" from November 12.
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