The reformation started because of a sudden ability to research, learn, and reason. 

The roman catholic church threw truth to the ground and buried the Word of God. When Constantinople fell, the Greek scholars, with the Greek text of the Bible, fled to Latin countries. The scholars started teaching in the universities of these Latin countries. While the roman catholic church controlled most everything, they let the learning institutions slip by. 

As people, ministers in the catholic church, started to be able to read and study scripture, they realized that they’ve been taught error. And, this began to flourish through the universities; which then moved into the general public. 

In efforts to get this under control, the roman catholic church created the jesuits, who operates like a CIA or MI6 organization. It was the jesuits by which civil universities, christian universities, and Biblical organizations were infiltrated and a schematic of “dumb down” teaching was evolved in these institutions. 

The roman catholic church taught for years that the Bible was too complicated and we need to tell you what it says. We’ll tell you what to believe and you can just follow that. Today, this same method of teaching is used in virtually all aspects of our lives. It was done to suppress knowledge. It’s a known fact that those who read have much higher intelligence than those who are absorbed in video games, movies, television, and the likes. 

People marvel at the amount of information and history which I know and I’m able to retain to toss out right off the top of my head. Yet, this was not so just 5 years ago. It was five years ago that I was engrossed in NASCAR, movies, and television; and I had very little usable knowledge and my level of retention was very low. Now, I don’t do any of those worldly things, and mainly read and study the Bible and the history that revolves around the Bible itself and the events recorded within. 

The schools, universities, and churches have grossly failed in the proper training of the people, on how to study, research, and come to logical conclusions. Most people don’t know where to begin to study, and most only know how to come to a conclusion with which they were told what conclusion to come to. 

As followers of Christ, most can not quote the passages to which their belief comes from; that is a very sad state of affairs. Because we’ve been told what to believe, our conclusions of our beliefs are based on a few scriptures that do not support the majority of the Bible; no wonder the world will not listen to us and no wonder so many reject my lessons, though they are supported by Biblical text. As Christ followers, we need to put down the garbage of the world. We are to put on the armor of God, one such thing is arming ourselves with the Word of God; the double edged sword. Yet, it’s my experience, and its quite evident to those who are honest of the condition, that most Christians have a very dull sword; because it’s only as sharp as the one who is honing it’s edge. 

As ministers, we need to stop failing our people. We need to teach them how to study, how to learn, and how to draw to conclusions. We are their trainers for their priesthood in adding to the Kingdom of God, yet we’ve failed. We need to train, and yes, still guide, by scripture, so they don’t deviate from scripture. Yet too, so many ministers are part of this system that told them what to believe. Therefore, we too must stop parroting what we were told, and start studying it again. With a non-doctrinal mind, we need to start digging while dropping these time wasters of the world. 

If one thinks that doctrinal teachings will not keep them from Heaven, then this is exactly who this letter is too. The Bible makes very clear that the majority of those who think they are going will not make it; that will be because of bad doctrinal teaching of one way or another. Yet, how does one know what is right when they don’t do a TRUE study of God’s Word and only accept what they are told?

God Bless
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