(LEV 11:3, ISAIAH 66:15-17):

A few weeks ago, a friend of mine called me and asked about three vaccines he received. To keep this a little shorter, I let him know that statics showed that only one in several hundred thousand to millions actually get one of these diseases he was vaccinated for.

Later, I informed him that while he was worried about these vaccines, or the diseases they were for, there is a danger he had to which as many as 3% of Americans can contract, thats 3 out of only 100 people. It’s a parasite called Trichina that affects the joints and is very difficult to diagnose. It’s often diagnosed as arthritis or bursitis, but it’s actually “hogitis”.

Pork contains more fats than other meats. Therefore, people who are fond of pork are more obese than others. Cholesterol is higher in their blood thus making them more prone to asthereosclerosis cardiovascular accidents and sudden death.

Flesh of the pork is hard to digest and may lead to chronic digestive disturbances. Pimples, boils, cysts are common in pork eaters. The following are some of the parasites and diseases found in pork and/ or the skin of pigs and certainly there are many more. There is still no means of killing these parasites, in the tissues, neither has anyone found a method of expelling them, nor have they produced any specific treatment for the diseases.

a) TRICHINELLA SPIRATIS ( Trichina worms )
It is the most dangerous parasite to man ( Rheumatism and muscular pain). The infected persons shown no symptoms, recover very slowly some die, some reduced to permanent invalids. No one is immune from this disease and there is no cure.

b) TAENIA SOLIUM ( Pork tape worm )
The worm causes malnourishment of the person leading to anemia, diarrhea, extreme depression melancholia and digestive disturbances. Cysticercosis means that larva enter the blood stream then settle down in one or more of the vital organs of the body, for example: brain, liver, lungs or spinal cord. They grow and encapsulate, inducing pressure to the system around, resulting in dangerous diseases (diarrhea, digestive disorder, anemia, chronic invalidation).

Example: Ascaris, which may lead to digestive disturbances, appendicitis, obstructive jaundice.

Example: Ancylostomiasis, which may lead to anemia, oedema, heart failure or retarded growth ( mental and physical), tuberculosis, diarrhea and typhoid.

Bleeding, anemia and other syndromes. If ova are settled in the brain or spinal cord, paralysis and death may occur.

Infestation leading to bleeding of the lungs ( endenve haemoptysis)

Digestive disturbances leading to persistent diarrhea; generalized oedema.

chlonorchiasis-obstructive jaundice, liver enlargement.

Causes bronchitis, abscess of the lungs. (Could be why my asthma attacks were cut in half after my stopping of eating of pork)

Cause anemia and digestive disorders.

Causes acute dysentery and general weakness.

Fusiformis necrofurus: causing foot-rot which is very difficult to heal.
Salmonella Cholera suis: causing cholera
Bruceellosis: Acute, sub acute and chronic. It may lead to permanent disabilities.
Swine Erysipelas: causing Erypelas in man.
Viral Diseases
Small pox: pork was a source of infection to man.
Japanese B-encepphalitis: It is the source of infection
Influenza, foot mouth disease, gas tro-enteritis of the new born babies.
Protozoal Diseases:
Toxo plasma goundii- It is a very dangerous diseases.A new born baby of an infected woman may die within few days or weeks after delivery. But if he survives he may develop blindness or deafness.In adult chronic exhaustive fever with enlarged liver and spleen may occur. Pneumonia, or celebro- spinal meninggitis which may lead to death or madness. The patient may become blind and deaf too.

It is claimed that if you pour coke over infested pork after 2-3 hours worms will come out of the pork. Videos that show this make one believe it is all pork while videos to which it does not happen lean towards a belief that it happens with no pork. While 3 in 100 human cadavers tested showed Trichina infection, in the 1940 is was 1 in 6 tested. This tells us that the percentage of infested pigs have also decreased. If they have decreased in Trichina then they have probably decreased in other infestations. But, who’s to know if that one on your plate is good or bad. Pork is not graded with USDA quality grades. Grades such as Prime, Choice and Select are not acceptable terms for raw cuts of pork.

The amateur video below shows a cut of pork not releasing the worms while showing a clip of releasing worms and an explanation of why pork may release worms. I’m not going to take any stance on whether or not this is true: decide for yourself.