Happy Sabbath everyone. I would like to voice my opinion on something that many seem not aware about. It recently has been revealed (in the article below) that some colleges use a text book which instructs students to write the name "Jesus" on a piece of paper then stomp on it: Yes, I said it right, it is a text book being used. In the article inclosed, we here of this text book because one student, from what would seem many, refused to do it. Because he found it offensive to HIS faith, the Christian faith, he went to the instructors supervisor. The supervisor then suspended the student.

This student stood up for his Constitutional rights, but especially for his devotion to Y'shua. A lukewarm church follows society, against their faith in Christ. I have to wonder how many students, who have performed this ceremony in the past and this specific course, proclaim to be 'christian': it's a sad thought. It's sad that schools, colleges, universities; and so many Bible colleges and churches are openly attacking Y'shua and the Holy Bible. It's sad to think, that many of these people think they are saved, when they are not. I pray for those who stand for their faith in YHWH; and, for those who think they are saved, that they may know the truth; and, for those who attack, so they may find the truth.

I would beg all, who have a professed faith and walk in Messiah Y'shua, to take a stand against such activities: refuse to go to a school that allows these events. If you have no choice, stand up for what is true.

To those who are concerned about where this country is going, I beg you stand up for the constitutional, and moral right; though you may not profess a faith in Christ, understanding that stomping on someone else's faith and Constitutional right can some day lead to yours being stomped on.

Have a blessed Sabbath

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