Wow, how do I start this sci fi sounding post? Mind Reading Technology? What kind of tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theory blog post is this guy posting? OHHHHHH, stay with me to the end as you will see I like to post evidence of anything I inform you about.

Have you ever heard of the
World Economic Forum? They were a conspiracy theory for a long time but now it's admitted they are real. You see, when the elite are doing something nefarious, they deny the existence, then admit the existence but it's good for you, then the truth comes out. We're starting to see the truth and it sounds like something out of a sci fi movie that we grew up on.

According to the 2023 meeting of the
World Economic Forum world elites, they are planning on mind reading technology for the world. This is not a future technology… it's a NOW technology. In fact, it was reported in 2018 that China is already using the technology and recent reports tell us that they are integrating AI into that technology. Do you wonder what they say about it and how it will work? Take a look at the video below and follow the links to related news articles.

This is truly a sick and nefarious plan.

Click Here for the WEF web page on the subject

China uses
mind reading technology

China integrates
AI with mind reading technology