Have you ever had a conversation with someone about a subject and you realized they misunderstood a point that was made? Have you ever realized that something you've heard for years was not true, although most of the people you know believed it? Everyone was so sincere on their belief in it and their understanding but it was not correct.

When you've been in these situations and you finally find the truth, sometimes it's still hard to snap out of your old way of thinking and acting based on new understanding. This is called preconceived notions. You have these beliefs you once believed were true and now it's hard to see the truth or act upon the truth you've learned. I'm about to run head-on into some major preconceived notions you have.
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We just looked at Galatians 3 and what Paul was explaining about us being in the Covenant of Abraham. This may have raised questions about all the places we are told we are in a "New Covenant". I mean, Abrahams covenant, the promise made, is not exactly new now is it. In this section we are going to look at the Hebrew word which "New Covenant" was translated from so we can get a further understanding of what we are being told. Read More…


We've been talking about the different laws and I wanted to break them down for you in Scripture.

When I ask Christians, “If I talk about ‘Law’ according to the Bible, what do you think I’m talking about?”, their response is, “The Ten Commandments”. The answer is not all wrong, but it’s not all right either. There are several Laws in the Bible and knowing the difference in these laws will greatly improve the understanding of what is going on. Not understanding these different Law will cause a contraction in one's belief versus Holy Scripture. I want to use this section to concentrate on the subject of the different Laws. This is important, as “we are in a New Covenant” belief generalize “Law” into the Ten Commandments and the MODERN teachings of the Old Covenant. It’s also important because once one starts to get the basics of the different laws, they start to see the webbing and unity of Holy Scripture in a more fulfilling way.
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There is much confusion in the church, and among its people, on the covenants: "old" and "new". Sometimes it's divided between Old and New Testaments, sometimes "old" and "new" covenants. They don’t know there’s a confusion. In fact, virtually all religions agree on this subject; yet they don’t agree with Holy Scripture. What is the difference in the two, and is it enough that we should even refer to them separately? That we are going to look at in the remainder of this series. Read More…


In this series, we see that the teachings of the church, in regards to the two Covenant’s, is not what Holy Scripture is telling us in a whole. How did the teachings of the church get so mixed up on this subject? Read More…


I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to put a caboose on this study. I wanted to end it with the Covenant Terms and Conditions. Now that we understand that the Covenant we are in, is the Renewed Covenant made with Abraham, wouldn’t it be easy to just look at the terms and conditions of the Covenant with Abraham and say, “that’s it”? But we don’t really find anything specific, other than to raise his son to follow YHWH the Creator. Read More…