When you walk with God, He will often give you words of wisdom or questions of thought. These words are often meant for growth; within yourself and within the Body of Christ. Its good to take a mental (and if you are forgetful physical) note of the wisdom of God. Below is a list of wow wisdom that I’ve heard, or has come to me; I hope you enjoy.


In Scripture, I never see the deceived following Scripture to the full extent. The deceived, in Scripture, either believe a message which tickles their ear and teaches a Grace only theology, and the deceived follow signs and wonders

There are more false prophets with loud voices than true prophets silenced by theology

With the Law (Ten Commandments) as your mirror, if there has been no change in your life from last year to this here then there is a problem.

In the time of Daniel, there was a decree banning prayer. Are there decree’s banning prayer today? Is anyone standing for God as Daniel did?

Christ goes into the world looking for lost sheep. Satan goes into the church looking for his lost sheep. Christ gains his through truth. Satan gains his through deception. (Matthew 24:24; Revelation 19:20)

So, your afraid of loosing your job. Daniel had to risk loosing his life

Idleness was one sin committed by Sodom to lead to its destruction (Ezk 16:49-50). Are you idea in your walk and your labor to God? (Matt 7:21)

Where is in the Bible? This should be the first and foremost question when people, even pastors, present a theology.

If I took all the things that people claim God had told them; and line them up on a table, it would be a bunch of confusing, contradicting, gibberish. How does one know if something is a true for false prophecy? The Bible. If what you are being told does not line up with the WHOLE of the Word of God (not pulled out of context) then that person has not learned to distinguish between the voice of God and their own mind. Act 17:11,
These were more fair-minded than this in Thessalonica, in that they received the world with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.

The TRUE BIBLICAL prosperity message is this... work like an ant and don’t covet

You would not spend more time with another woman than with your wife. As the bride of Christ, who do you spend more time with?

Are you preparing like Noah or procrastinating like Lot?

If you were on trial for impersonating Yeshua would they find enough evidence to convict you?

Facebook and Twitter will be evidence that you had time when you said you did’t.

Food was the tools of the first sin. While captured in Babylon, Daniel’s first challenge was food. How are the Christian people going to meet the challenges of things they cannot control when they can’t meet the challenges of that which they can control.... food?

When looking for a good church don’t look at the package, the sound, the marketing; look at the ingredients

You study and learn about the person you date. The church is the bride of Christ; are you studying and learning about Yeshua?

The Bible says few will make it. If you don’t read and follow the Bible how will you know if you are one of the many who will not?

When standing before the Lord on the day which we answer for what we done, what will be our excuse for our disobedience? Will it be, “This is what was taught to me by my pastor”, or “that evangelist”, or “Paul”, or “by our doctrinal beliefs”? If one was to claim this, are they not claiming they accepted the words of man over that of God (Bible as a whole)? Will we be able to say, “It was what I understood from your Word”? If one did not do a true study of the Word of God, denying the doctrine of man, this statement would be a lie. What will our repose be in the things which we did wrong in?

The Bible stands the test of time. In research it is constantly proven to be the oldest comprehendible and most accurate book ever written; even by non-believer historians (which often convert after their research)
The 66 books of the Bible were written:
On three continents
In three languages
Bye about 40 different people
Over a period of about 1,500 years
On the most controversial subjects
By writers from a variety of educations and backgrounds (kings, shepherds, theologians, an army general, fishermen, priest, and a physician)
This is astounding as the report of an event from multiple witness’ of the same even twill differ greatly and virtually always contradict each other. Yet, the Bible reads as if it were authored from one great mind (2 Peter 1:21)

Our lives should be an analogy for the message of the Bible

Now Yeshua loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus. (John 11:5) - Many believe we go straight to Heaven after we die even though judgment has not happened yet. If this be true and if Yeshua loved Lazarus, why would he bring him back from four days in Heaven? In four days Lazarus would have settled into his “mansion”, received his harp, met God, possibly partaken of the tree of life, and walked on streets of gold; yet Yeshua brough him back to that dusty old grave, in those smelly rags, in this decaying world. That would not have been an act of love, that would have been and act of selfishness.

It is dangerous to be broad minded. When one is broad minded, anything can drive through. A true Christian will always be accused of being narrow minded; because narrow is the gate and few there will find it (Matt 7:14)

In a universe of blind physical forces and genetic replication, some people are going to get hurt, and other people are going to get lucky; and you won't find any rhyme or reason to it, nor any justice. The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is at the bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil and no good. Nothing but blind pitiless indifference. DNA neither knows nor cares. DNA just is, and we dance to its music.
- Richard Dawkins, Out of Eden, page 133.
What Dawkins is saying is that there are not objective moral foundations in the world; there’s just DNA - we just dance to it’s music. That’s exactly the world view that is prevailing in America today. A culture that says “society determines right from wrong. What ever culture deems right is right and what ever culture deems wrong is wrong”. Think about the dangers. Are we going to conclude that if society approves of sex trafficking then it must be alright? Some would say “that’s ludicrous, we would never deem that acceptable”. Yet this is the point, many cultures from around the world have frightening determinations of what is right and wrong - many which even Americans don’t agree with. So who determines right from wrong? That can only be done by Scripture.